I know, I know...I am STILL working on lightening up our living room. There is a bit of embarrassment that comes with me what this chest of drawers looked like before. Ewwwww, Julie, really? I allowed this to be in our house...ick!
I painted this a flat (super flat) black YEARS AGO...probably about 8-10 years ago. You can see the scratches on the knobs...those were from a border collie puppy, Milo I had before we were married.
We finally moved this to the living room to house DVD's, exercise stuff and whatever else I need to stash in there if someone is on there way over. Right? We call it "storage" but, it is really "stash-age!"
So, I started with an all over coat of Annie Sloan Old White...I knew I wasn't going to keep it that color...but, it was a good start to cover up that black. (Ewww.)
I gave you a sneak peek last week of my Annie Sloan Chalk Paint concoction...I mixed
Florence, Paris Grey and Old White. I would say I mixed equal parts...maybe a little heavier on the Florence...just by a couple of spoonfuls. (I know, spoonfuls...VERY scientific around here!)
Mixed it up REALLY WELL!
I put my AS concoction right over the Old White...it went on well and covered perfectly.
I stood back and wondered what I had done.
Maybe I should have left it black...just cleaning it up a bit?
Letting that dry for an hour or so...then I came back with my warm, wet rag and distressed the edges. Immediately, I fell in LOVE with this piece. The black and white showing through the distressing...this was EASILY becoming my new favorite piece!
It is hard to see the color because we have a HUGE window with a ton of sunlight beaming in on it.
All done...and if you give a girl a cute turquoise chest of drawers...she is probably gonna........
have me an "ah hah" moment. Here is a hint at what I did next.........
Tomorrow I will show you what I painted with my very OWN chalk-like paint recipe. It worked SO WELL...I am HOOKED!!!
Love & Junk~
Linking up to and ParTYinG with......